Wellness measures a number things, it’s an understanding on a deeper level of where you are the resources available to get you to your goals, and action. It’s actively becoming aware of and making choices towards a healthy and fulfilling life. It’s greater than freedom from illness, it’s a process of continuous growth and change. It’s a decision you make, so here we explore the various categories that support your decisions. Giving you access to updates, content, and useful tips. We are building so this page will change as time goes on in accordance to our Kloc-in communities voices. Let us know what you want to see more of so we can build together.
Wellness Categories
Social wellness is a measure of the connections you have and form. This involves building positive experiences with friends, family, co-workers, and everyone in between. The ability to maintain these relationships promotes a healthy social balance. In turn understanding when people don’t meet up to what you deem as enhancing your overall social wellness, then being able to disassociate yourself in a healthy way.
Improving socially is becoming aware consciously to improve the world we live in together. Setting social goals and a way to measure the outcomes helps further advancements. With a measure of what’s important you have the ability to adjust, enhance and create new awareness with actions.
Emotional wellness encompasses a full understanding, true awareness, and acceptance of how we may feel at any given time. The ability to successfully handle what life throws our way, adjust, adapt dust off and continue on. Emotions are temporary, being able to succeed in a way defined by us as individuals shows commitment to what’s important. It’s okay not to be okay, and never give up when things happens is a great measure of ones emotional wellness.
- Self-awareness
- Agility
- Coping Skills
- Defining your purpose
- Managing stress
Are all areas to look into, this is separate to mental health. Consistency is key in everything so applying new ways to deal with what life brings increases emotional wellness.
Spiritual wellness is deeper than yourself, it’s a move in faith set by values, principles and morals. This is where purpose is formed. A spiritual connection is personal, it acknowledges the search for a deeper meaning. Its in the way we act, it comes from a place of balance it can be;
- Religious
- Relationship with yourself
- Heart
- Soul
It’s a belief that can be completely holistic, there are many spiritual activities like worship, meditation, yoga, music, activities that makes us feel there is something more, something greater than us, connected to a greater power.
Physical Wellness is the ability to produce healthy qualities, and maintain them. This ability improves our day to day lives ensuring healthy habits are enhanced and promoted. This includes being active, getting exercise, having proper nutrition, and eliminating destructive habits. Taking physical wellness a step further is spotting disease like symptoms. Making sure to connect with doctors, GP’s, and experts for check-ups. Prevention is better than cure.
Learning your body, mind, and soul in order to exercise new, and continued practices.
- Find time for movement
- Identifying warning signs
- Feel good foods
- Getting sleep
- Safe sex

Mindset - The Power of...,
Our minds are such powerful tools, an engine that has the power to think you don’t have control.
I read somewhere can’t remember where now that we cant control our first thought but we can control the next one. That right there was a healthy game charger for me.
It’s so easy to have a thought, then follow that path no matter if its positive or negative. This is where mindset training comes into play.
On this journey to greater self-awareness, I realise that I have the power to be in control of me and me only. Every minute of every day is an opportunity to realign and confirm what is important. Knowing that no matter what, I have goals that I deserve to achieve regardless if the emotion is sadness, happiness, anger, fulfilment, etc. Its never about falling off its about dusting off and getting back on your journey to peace, love, success, and whatever else we live for.
“Our bodies are our gardens – our wills are our gardeners."
William Shakespeare
"What drains your spirit drains your body. What fuels your spirit fuels your body."
Caroline Myss
"Believe in your infinite potential. Your only limitations are those you set upon yourself.”
Roy T. Bennett