Growing this page:
Take Wellness of wellbeing a step further by being comfortable, healthy and happy with you. Here you can have your say, as we build our community of Kloc-Iners. We want you to have a place to be able to choose to have a full life that encompasses psychological, physical, emotional and social through interactive resources.
Physical Wellbeing:
The enjoyment of physical activity promotes wellbeing, the balance created to have a good balanced, agile presence increases stamina to take on day to day life. The ability to then maintain this balance promotes quality physical wellbeing. It’s coordinating daily activity without feeling fatigue or stress. Taking things a step further with clean personal habits, clean hands, teeth and body. Understanding the products used, indulging in regular supplements like vitamins and minerals, drinking plenty of water and flushing out toxins that build up in the body. This can be achieved in a number of ways, It’s never to late to start on the journey of physical wellbeing. As we get older we commit to;
- Healthy diets
- Limiting snacks
- Water in abundance
- Being active regularly
- Taking the time to rest
- Drinking alcohol responsibly
- Avoiding tobacco
At work we take on the tasks that balance our lifestyles with a balanced state of body and mind. All in all it’s more than good health it is a direct reflection on lifestyle choices to promote and avoid diseases and conditions
Psychological Wellbeing:
This is the core function of mental health, and should be taken seriously. No downplaying the feelings that day to day tasks and activities bring. Taking note of where things change and asking for help where needed. Speaking to the people around to have important yet difficult conversations that affect everyone in some form or another. This can be defined by hedonic (enjoyment, pleasure) and eudemonic (meaning, fulfilment) happiness. Alongside resilience levels (productive problem solving, emotion checks, coping mechanisms).
A positive mental state is reflective of psychological wellbeing. Studies show people with high psychological wellbeing live longer and healthier lives. With increased better quality of life as well. Getting on top of this is associated with fewer social problems.
Measuring this can be broken into long and medium achievement broken, into six core areas:
- Autonomy
- Mastering environmental position
- Personal growth
- Positive relationships
- Living purposefully
- Self-acceptance

Emotional Wellbeing:
The production of positive emotions, moods, thoughts, and feeling contribute to ones emotional wellbeing state. Being in control of thoughts is one way to measure emotional wellbeing levels. Its not an easy task and requires consistent evaluation, adapting to findings, with the ability to confront adverse and stressful situations. Challenges in life come up often so having a level of resilience helps navigate on a daily basis. Building better emotional wellbeing is like building muscles it takes time, and it’s the actions taken that help boost this area.
Dust of look at each situation individually and decide what the best outcome will be. Knowing it’s not going to be right all the time while putting in the effort to adjust and adapt where possible. Questions often lead to the answers, trying to adjust the question to get to the best solution.
Contributing to this includes;
- Self-esteem
- Self-respect
- Ability to recognise and express feelings
- Emotion management based on the situation
- Gratitude towards life
- Understanding the factors that affect emotions
Social Wellbeing:
Contributing to society, while connecting with and having positive experiences with others. That sense of belonging helps to feel good, although all areas of wellbeing are personal social directly includes togetherness with others. Defining what’s important and the impact created by those choices improves the overall social environments for everyone. Influencing relationships and behaving appropriately when acquired, and maintaining standards.
The acquisition of social wellbeing can be measured by coexisting peacefully in varying communities, the availability of opportunities, keeping an open mind about others cultures, environments and social constructs.
There are ways to build social wellbeing;
- Looking at how other influence us
- Being honest about our feelings
- Setting a standard with others and vocalising them
- Ability to listen to others without judging
- Heathy debates, it’s okay to disagree and be respectful at the same time
- Eliminating aggressive, passive, violent, and angry behavior
“The key to a healthy life is having a healthy mind.”
Richard Davidson
Richard Davidson
"Well-being cannot exist just in your own head. Well-being is a combination of feeling good as well as actually having meaning, good relationships and accomplishment."
Martin Seligman
"My refrigerator is powerful. In fact, it has a direct link to my overall well-being."
Kris Carr